Trade API

Raydium trade API is the fastest and easiest way to interact with Raydium liquidity. It allows you to swap for any asset with 2 requests and a signature.

Get quote parameters

Post parameters

Guide for Raydium Trade API

You can follow the demo implementation in sdk v2 demo.

  1. Installation

$ yarn add @raydium-io/raydium-sdk-v2
  1. Import libraries

import { Transaction, VersionedTransaction, sendAndConfirmTransaction } from '@solana/web3.js'
import { NATIVE_MINT } from '@solana/spl-token'
import axios from 'axios'
import { connection, owner, fetchTokenAccountData } from '../config'
import { API_URLS } from '@raydium-io/raydium-sdk-v2'
  1. Set up your RPC connection and wallet in a config.ts file following this template.

You can paste in a burner private key for testing purposes but it's not recommended for production.

export const owner: Keypair = Keypair.fromSecretKey(bs58.decode('<YOUR_WALLET_SECRET_KEY>'))
export const connection = new Connection('<YOUR_RPC_URL>') //<YOUR_RPC_URL>
  1. Get quote ($) & and define the swap type.

const { data: swapResponse } = await axios.get<SwapCompute>(
      slippage * 100}&txVersion=${txVersion}`
  ) // Use the URL xxx/swap-base-in or xxx/swap-base-out to define the swap type. 

'BaseOut' swaps will get you a quote for the ExactOut amount of token received. In this mode, slippage is inputted to the base token.

 const { data: swapTransactions } = await<{
    id: string
    version: string
    success: boolean
    data: { transaction: string }[]
  }>(`${API_URLS.SWAP_HOST}/transaction/swap-base-in`, {
    computeUnitPriceMicroLamports: String(,
    wallet: owner.publicKey.toBase58(),
    wrapSol: isInputSol,
    unwrapSol: isOutputSol, // true means output mint receive sol, false means output mint received wsol
    inputAccount: isInputSol ? undefined : inputTokenAcc?.toBase58(),
    outputAccount: isOutputSol ? undefined : outputTokenAcc?.toBase58(),
  1. Deserialize

  const allTxBuf = => Buffer.from(tx.transaction, 'base64'))
  const allTransactions = =>
    isV0Tx ? VersionedTransaction.deserialize(txBuf) : Transaction.from(txBuf)

  console.log(`total ${allTransactions.length} transactions`, swapTransactions)
  1. Sign and execute

  let idx = 0
  if (!isV0Tx) {
    for (const tx of allTransactions) {
      console.log(`${++idx} transaction sending...`)
      const transaction = tx as Transaction
      const txId = await sendAndConfirmTransaction(connection, transaction, [owner], { skipPreflight: true })
      console.log(`${++idx} transaction confirmed, txId: ${txId}`)
  } else {
    for (const tx of allTransactions) {
      const transaction = tx as VersionedTransaction
      const txId = await connection.sendTransaction(tx as VersionedTransaction, { skipPreflight: true })
      const { lastValidBlockHeight, blockhash } = await connection.getLatestBlockhash({
        commitment: 'finalized',
      console.log(`${idx} transaction sending..., txId: ${txId}`)
      await connection.confirmTransaction(
          signature: txId,
      console.log(`${idx} transaction confirmed`)

Setting priority fee

You'll need to get historical data if you'd like to optimize your priority using Raydium API.

  // get statistical transaction fee from API
   * vh: very high
   * h: high
   * m: medium
  const { data } = await axios.get<{
    id: string
    success: boolean
    data: { default: { vh: number; h: number; m: number } }

Then, set computeUnitPriceMicroLamports to one of the default tier.

 }>(`${API_URLS.SWAP_HOST}/transaction/swap-base-in`, {
    computeUnitPriceMicroLamports: String( // or custom lamport number.

If you are looking for a more integrated solution check Raydium SDK here:

Need help troubleshooting for errors? feel free to ask questions to our dev community on Discord.

Last updated