✌️ Say Hello to Raydium

An on-chain order book AMM powering the evolution of DeFi

🧬 So, what is Raydium?

Raydium is an automated market maker (AMM) built on the Solana blockchain which enables lightning-fast trades, permissionless pool creation, and new features for earning yield.

👽 Why is Raydium different?

Raydium was the first hybrid AMM. Other AMM DEXs and DeFi protocols could only access liquidity within their own pools and had no access to a central order book. Raydium's novel AMM was able to share idle pool liquidity to central limit order books following the constant product formula. Raydium's hybrid AMM pools are currently set to Swap Only, which means liquidity is not being shared to a third party.

Raydium offers a few key advantages and products:

  1. Faster and cheaper: Raydium leverages the efficiency of the Solana blockchain to achieve transactions magnitudes faster than Ethereum and gas fees which are a fraction of the cost.

  2. Permissionless pool creation: Any user or project can create a concentrated liquidity pool (CLMM) or constant product pool (CPMM) for any asset.

  3. Ecosystem Rewards: Any user or project can add token incentives to any pair or pool, boosting yield for liquidity providers.

🧐 What can I do on Raydium?

Trade and swap

Raydium's swap feature allows any two tokens to be exchanged quickly within liquidity pools.

Create a Pool

Create a pool for any asset in just a few clicks. Once live, your pool will be tradeable through Raydium's routing program and accessible across the Solana ecosystem.

Earn Trading Fees Providing liquidity in pools on Raydium allows you to earn trading fees for each swap going through that pool.

Earn RAY

There are a number of ways to earn RAY tokens while farming liquidity pools and staking. More features are on the way!

Power your project with Raydium

Raydium has a host of features that can supercharge your project. And the best part is they are all permissionless! Users and projects can utilize the Raydium product suite for almost anything.

Last updated